๐ง NILS FRAHM [Contemporary Electronic]
- NILS FRAHM➤Immerse!➤Solo➤00:00:25
- NILS FRAHM➤Sheep In Black And White➤Music For Animals➤00:11:12
- NILS FRAHM➤Spells➤Encores 2➤00:36:00
Pavilion Of Dreams➤00:48:35
- รLAFUR ARNALDS➤Hรฆgt, Kemur Ljรณsiรฐ➤…And They Have Escaped the Weight of
- DALAL➤Divenire➤The Einaudi Sound➤01:02:34
- LIBRARY TAPES + NILS FRAHM➤Live At Nbi Part II➤Live At Nbi➤01:11:23
✚ Nils Frahm is a pivotal figure in the
world of contemporary electronic and neo-classical music. Born in Hamburg,
Germany, in 1982, Frahm's unique style merges classical piano traditions with
experimental electronic music. His career took off with albums like Felt (2011)
and Screws (2012), where his intimate and innovative approach to piano playing
gained widespread recognition. By combining classical instrumentation with
electronic processing, he has pushed the boundaries of how classical music can
be reimagined in the 21st century. Frahm is renowned for his dynamic live
shows, often surrounded by an array of pianos, synthesizers, and analog
equipment. His performances highlight his improvisational skill and his ability
to fuse acoustic and electronic elements seamlessly. His works, such as All
Melody (2018), exemplify his exploration of space, texture, and atmosphere,
contributing significantly to the ambient and minimalist genres. Frahm
developed the Una Corda, a custom-built piano designed to produce a softer,
more ethereal sound. He has also collaborated with artists such as รlafur
Arnalds and F.S. Blumm, further bridging the gap between classical, electronic,
and experimental music. Frahm has scored films like Victoria (2015), showcasing
his ability to craft emotive and cinematic compositions. Through his
forward-thinking approach, Nils Frahm has inspired a generation of musicians
and listeners, cementing his place as a transformative artist in electronic and
contemporary music.
✚ Nils Frahm est une figure centrale du monde de la musique รฉlectronique contemporaine et nรฉo-classique. Nรฉ ร Hambourg, en Allemagne, en 1982, le style unique de Frahm fusionne les traditions du piano classique avec la musique รฉlectronique expรฉrimentale. Sa carriรจre a dรฉcollรฉ avec des albums comme Felt (2011) et Screws (2012), oรน son approche intime et innovante du piano a รฉtรฉ largement saluรฉe. En combinant instrumentation classique et traitement รฉlectronique, il a repoussรฉ les limites de la maniรจre dont la musique classique peut รชtre rรฉimaginรฉe au XXIแต siรจcle. Frahm est rรฉputรฉ pour ses spectacles live dynamiques, souvent entourรฉ de multiples pianos, synthรฉtiseurs et รฉquipements analogiques. Ses performances mettent en valeur son talent d’improvisation et sa capacitรฉ ร fusionner harmonieusement les รฉlรฉments acoustiques et รฉlectroniques. Ses ลuvres, telles que All Melody (2018), illustrent son exploration de l’espace, des textures et de l’atmosphรจre, contribuant de maniรจre significative aux genres ambient et minimaliste. Frahm a dรฉveloppรฉ l’Una Corda, un piano sur mesure conรงu pour produire un son plus doux et รฉthรฉrรฉ. Il a รฉgalement collaborรฉ avec des artistes tels qu’รlafur Arnalds et F.S. Blumm, renforรงant le lien entre la musique classique, รฉlectronique et expรฉrimentale. Frahm a composรฉ des bandes originales de films, comme celle de Victoria (2015), dรฉmontrant sa capacitรฉ ร crรฉer des compositions รฉmouvantes et cinรฉmatographiques. Grรขce ร son approche avant-gardiste, Nils Frahm a inspirรฉ une gรฉnรฉration de musiciens et d’auditeurs, s’imposant comme un artiste transformateur dans la musique รฉlectronique et contemporaine.
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